第I期 GAP(2019-21年度)では、原と主に山口情報芸術センター[YCAM]に所属する研究者とともにスタートし、YCAMが培ってきたノウハウを活用することで、日本庭園の新しいアーカイヴを開発することを目指しました。
The Garden Archives Project (hereafter GAP) was launched in 2019 under the leadership of Hara Rurihiko, a scholar who studies Japanese gardens and nohgaku theater from the perspective of the humanities.
The first phase of the GAP (2019–21) started with Hara and researchers mainly affiliated with the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM). The goal was to develop a new type of archive for Japanese gardens by tapping into the expertise accumulated at YCAM.

2021年には、ウェブサイト「Incomplete Niwa Archives 終らない庭のアーカイヴ」(開発・デザイン:KARAPPO Inc.)を公開し、山口市・常栄寺庭園、京都市・無鄰菴庭園、同・龍源院庭園の3つの日本庭園を対象にした新しいアーカイヴを公開しました。
GAP is developing an archive that captures various aspects of the Japanese garden as a dynamic entity, using various technologies including 3D scanning, high-resolution photography, ambisonic recording, and DNA analysis, in order to examine the essence of the garden.
In 2021, the website “Incomplete Niwa Archives” (developed and designed by KARAPPO Inc.) was released, featuring archives of three Japanese gardens: Jōei-ji in Yamaguchi City, Murin-an in Kyoto, and Ryōgen-in in Kyoto.

2021年には、ウェブサイトの公開と同時に、YCAMにおいて研究成果展示「Incomplete Niwa Archives 終らない庭のアーカイヴ」を公開しました。ここでは、新たなコラボレーターとして建築デザインスタジオALTEMYを迎え、常栄寺庭園の素材をもとに、庭の新しいアーカイヴに基づくインスタレーション作品を公開しました。
The website allows users to freely move around and manipulate the 3D data of the gardens. Selecting the annotations embedded in various points of the 3D data gives access to visual and auditory information on the changing landscape of the gardens, their components (stones and plants), and the living creatures observed in them.
The word “incomplete” in the title is based on the fact that unlike most works of art and architecture, Japanese gardens do not have a definite “completion,” but rather mature gradually over a long period of time after they are created. The notion of the “incomplete garden” [“owaranai niwa”] derives from a phrase used by the writer Mishima Yukio in his discussion of the temporality of Japanese gardens.
In 2021, concurrently with the release of the website, we presented the results of our research in an exhibition at YCAM, entitled “Incomplete Niwa Archives.” The architectural design studio ALTEMY was invited as a collaborator for a new installation work based on materials from our archives of the Jōei-ji Garden.

2022年度からは、マレス・エマニュエル、バルナ・ゲルゲイ・ペーターを新たなメンバーとして迎え、第II期 庭園アーカイヴ・プロジェクトをスタートしました。
第II期では、浮月楼庭園、 HOUSE of HOSOO庭園などを対象に、より庭園の時間変化を踏まえたアーカイヴ、インスタレーションの開発を試みています。
In 2022, we began Phase II of the Garden Archives Project with new mers Emmanuel Marès and Barna Gergey Péter.
In Phase II, we attempt to develop archives and installations that take into account more temporal changes in the gardens, including those of the Fugetsu-rō and the HOUSE of HOSOO.
While in 2021, the INA website could only be browsed on a computer, it became available on smartphones in 2024.
*For more information on the background and activities of the Garden Archives Project, see the report published on this website and Hara Rurihiko, Nihon teien o meguru—dejitaru ākaivu no kanōsei [Walking Around Japanese Gardens: The Potential of Digital Archives] (Hayakawa Shinsho, 2023).
Profile プロフィール

Born in 1988. HARA Rurihiko is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and School of Regional Development, Shizuoka University. He is also a board member of the general incorporated association “hO.” He specializes in Japanese gardens and noh and kyogen. In 2020, he completed his doctoral studies at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo. His books include Suhama-ron [On Suhama] (Tokyo: Sakuhin-sha, 2023) and Nihon teien wo meguru: Dezitaru ākaibu no kanōsei [Touring the Japanese Gardens: The Possibility of the Digital Archives] (Tokyo: Hayakawa shobō, 2023). In 2024, he was awarded the 74th Minister of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology’s Art Encouragement Prize for New Artist and the 15th Association for Studies of Culture and Representation Encouragement Prize for his Suhama-ron.

津田 和俊
TSUDA Kazutoshi
京都工芸繊維大学未来デザイン・工学機構准教授、KYOTO Design Labデザインファクトリーユニット長。山口情報芸術センター[YCAM]専門委員(主任研究員)、YCAMバイオ・リサーチ担当。博士(工学)。これまでフィールド調査に関わった庭園は、庭園アーカイヴ・プロジェクトとして、常栄寺(山口)、無鄰菴(京都)、大徳寺龍源院(京都)、浮月楼(静岡)、また、そのほかのプロジェクトとして、第二無鄰菴(京都)、清風荘(京都)などがある。
He is an Associate Professor at the Center for the Possible Futures and the Chief Design Factory Officer at KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan. Additionally, he works as a researcher at Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM], where he is mainly responsible for YCAM Bio Research. He has participated in field research on gardens, including the Garden Archives Project at Jōei-ji (Yamaguchi), Murin-an (Kyoto), Ryōgen-in (Kyoto), and Fugetsu-rō (Shizuoka), as well as other projects such as the second Murin-an (Kyoto), Seifū-sō (Kyoto).

城 一裕
JO Kazuhiro
1977年生まれ。博士(芸術工学)。日本アイ・ビー・エムソフトウェア開発研究所[YSL]、英国ニューカッスル大学CultureLab、東京藝術大学芸術情報センター[AMC]、情報科学芸術大学院大学[IAMAS]を経て、2016年3月より九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院音響設計部門 准教授。音響学とインタラクション・デザインを背景とした現在の主なプロジェクトには、音の再生の物質的・歴史的な基盤を実践を通じて再考する「Life in the Groove」、参加型の音楽の実践である「The SINE WAVE ORCHESTRA」、音・文字・グラフィックの関係性を考える「phono/graph」などがある。
JO Kazuhiro is a practitioner with a background in acoustics and interaction design. He has been presenting his practices in a form of works of art as at museums and festivals, as well as papers at international journals and conferences with his projects such as "The SINE WAVE ORCHESTRA" as a practice of the music one participates in, "Life in the Groove" as an attempt to re-visit the common sense of sound reproduction.and “phono/graph” to explore the field of sound, letters, and graphics with artistic practices. After working at IBM Japan, Newcastle University, Tokyo University of the Arts, and IAMAS, he took up his position as an associate professor in Department of Acoustic Design at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.

高原 文江
YCAM InterLab所属、照明デザイナー。京都市立銅駝美術工芸高等学校で日本画、京都造形芸術大学で舞台芸術を学ぶ。2008年より山口情報芸術センター[YCAM]YCAM InterLabに所属。作品の照明デザインやフィールド・リサーチを担当する。2015年からYCAMバイオ・リサーチに参加。庭園アーカイヴ・プロジェクトでは主に常栄寺(山口)のアーカイヴを担当している。
Lighting designer and member of YCAM InterLab. She studied Japanese painting at Kyoto City Dohda Senior High School of Arts and performing arts at Kyoto University of Art and Design, and has been a member of YCAM Interlab at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM] since 2008. She is in charge of lighting design and field research for artworks. Since 2015, she has been a member of YCAM Bio Research. In the Garden Archives Project, she is mainly in charge of the archive of Jōei-ji (Yamaguchi).

MARES Emmanuel
Born in France in 1978. Doctor in Engineering from Kyoto Institute of Technology. After working at the National Institute for Human and Nature and the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties in Nara, he is currently an associate professor at the Faculty of Cultural Studies, Kyoto Sangyo University. He specializes in the history of Japanese architecture and gardens. Through his research on Japanese garden historiography, he has been making efforts to promote cultural exchange of gardens between Japan and France.

伊藤 隆之
ITO Takayuki
2023年まで山口情報芸術センター[YCAM] InterLabディレクターをつとめる。現在は、Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT]にてテクニカル全般のディレクションを行う。音響エンジニアリング、ソフトウェア開発からバイオテクノロジーの応用まで、幅広い技術ディレクションを手がけ、多くの芸術作品やワークショップの開発やプロジェクトの企画などに関わる。
Ito Takayuki was the director of InterLab at Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media until 2023. Ito currently oversees all technical direction at Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT]. He provides technical direction across an array of areas, from sound engineering and software development to biotechnology applications, and has worked prolifically as a producer for artworks and workshops, and event and project planner.

様々なメディア領域を対象に、企画、編集、デザイン、開発、コンサルティングを行うデザイン会社。ブランディング、広告デザイン、サービスデザイン、アートプロジェクトなど、幅広い分野においてサービス提供している。庭園アーカイヴ・プロジェクトでは、「終わらない庭のアーカイヴ」のデザイン・システム開発を手掛ける。受賞歴にグッドデザイン賞、日本サインデザイン賞 銀賞・銅賞、eラーニングアワード「文部科学大臣賞」など。
A design company engaged in planning, editing, design, development, and consulting across various media fields. The company provides services in a wide range of areas, including branding, advertising design, service design, and art projects. In the Garden Archive Project, it designs and develops the system for the “Incomplete Niwa Archives”. Awards include the Good Design Award, Japan Sign Design Award (Silver and Bronze), and the e-Learning Award’s “Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award.”